Thursday, 12 February 2015

Evaluation Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We colour coded our answer to show we all did equal amounts of the work for each question.

Jack - Light Blue

Ellis - Lilac
Leah - Light Pink

Evaluation Question One

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)


Kill Bill was a film that influenced us and gave us the idea of having the female as the action chick/threat. The clip from Kill Bill above shows a fight scene between two females and they both use knives during the scene. This shows evidence that our thriller film opening does follow the conventions in other films.

This clip from James Bond Casino Royale shows evidence that our thriller film opening follows conventions of other film products as the scene shows James Bond tied to a chair and we had our male victim tied to a chair and he was attacked. 

We colour coded our answer to show we all did equal amounts of the work for each question. 

Jack - Light Blue

Ellis - Lilac
Leah - Light Pink

The Sacrificial Lamb Opening Sequence Final

This is our final Thriller opening sequence, that we have put together, including; editing, sound and title slates. We have all equally contributed to the filming of our Thriller opening sequence and also individually doing tasks. Jack was in charge of editing, Ellis was in charge of title slates and Leah was in charge of the sound for the short clip.  

Thursday 12th 2015 February Film Update

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Evaluating our Thriller Film so far

So far I have edited and colour graded our film. I have sequenced all of the clips to ensure they show a clear narrative and the film makes sense. We have not used any jump cuts and have used techniques like match on action. I would give my work a high level 3.

I have been in charge of the sound. This means I have been collecting the sound clips together to play in the background, to enhance what is happening onscreen. So far, I have collected 4 sound clips from YouTube. I would give my work a level 2 as I have not yet experimented with the volume, pitch or length. However, I have managed to layer at least 2 sound clips together. I think that the soundtrack matches the video and matches the suspense of the storyline and climax. 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Monday 2nd February 2015 Film Update

This is our second update on the progress we have made on our Sacrificial Lamb film. We have done this to show that we understand what we need to do and what we need to improve before our deadline.

Emailing for Permission

We came across a sound clip listed on Youtube which we found really fit the theme and storyline of our Thriller film. However, whilst reading the bio at the bottom of the video, the bio stated that if anyone wanted to use the video, we must email them to ask for permission. Because of this, we drafted an email and sent it to 'Fesilyan Studios' to ask for permission to use their music on their channel. Sadly, the account has not contacted us back - meaning that we cannot use this music.